Role Playing, Trivia, Adventure, Strategy
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- $ 0.99Update1 addition leaderboard
2 addition new game
3 to improve the flexibility of operation
4 fix BUG
- $ 0.99New App
App Requirements Top
To run Pirate Piggy version 1.0.2, your mobile device must have at least 60.29 MB of free space. You can download this app using cellular network. This Game stored under Role Playing, Trivia, Adventure, Strategy. New version of Pirate Piggy game for iPhone is available. Purchase version 1.0.2 with all new features for only $0.99
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Copyright © Hengyu Century
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Application Name
Good! This application name contains 12 characters. Application name can be easily remembered and had no pronunciation issues. -
Application Description
Application well described and contains 389 characters. -
This app costs less than 80% of all iPhone and iPad Game Apps in App Store. Pirate Piggy app is on sale. -
Ratings value
This app has a very poor rating. -
Number of ratings
This app has only votes. Reviews are very important, because they are encourage users to download app. -
Not bad, 4 screenshots, but can be more. User can's see all app features. -
Application age
Application was first released . New version of this application was released .
iTunes App Description Top
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One has a dream of piglets need your help, sliding fingers on the screen, pig will move followed the trajectory of the painted line, it came to the world's waters, seeking treasure map fragments, but the obstacles in the waters, bring your wisdom and courage, and a mysterious undersea adven Read More
One has a dream of piglets need your help, sliding fingers on the screen, pig will move followed the trajectory of the painted line, it came to the world's waters, seeking treasure map fragments, but the obstacles in the waters, bring your wisdom and courage, and a mysterious undersea adven Read More