Travel, Educational, Word
Whats New? Top
- $ 2.99UpdateSwap language menu bug fixed
- $ 2.99New App
App Requirements Top
To run Porlish version 1.10, your mobile device must have at least 9.52 MB of free space. You can download this app using cellular network. This Game stored under Travel, Educational, Word. New version of Porlish game for both iPhone and iPad (iOS Universal) is available. Purchase version 1.10 with all new features for only $2.99
Having found any problems with app-installation, bugs, failures, errors or questions and proposals on further developments, please, turn to Antony Sturgeon, following
Copyright © 2013 Andastur Games
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Post ReviewApplication Optimization Report Top
Application Name
Application name is quite short: 7 characters. That's ok if you are using a brand name. If not, try to add some keywords in the title, which will give a clue about the app. -
Application Description
Perfect! This app has a very detailed description: 2035 characters. -
Price is right estimated. Average price for Game apps is $4.5 and this app costs 2.99 -
Ratings value
This app has a very poor rating. -
Number of ratings
This app has only votes. Reviews are very important, because they are encourage users to download app. -
Not bad, 4 screenshots, but can be more. User can's see all app features. -
Application age
Application was first released . New version of this application was released .
iTunes App Description Top
FoLaWo™ - Porlish
Follows on from FoLaWo™ - Valentine app, but is purely focused on the Portuguese/English languages and is designed for you to take advantage of "down time" (subway, bus, waiting time) and use that time to develop your language skills - while solving one of over 100,000 unique puzzles!
This app can be used by an English speaker lea Read More
Follows on from FoLaWo™ - Valentine app, but is purely focused on the Portuguese/English languages and is designed for you to take advantage of "down time" (subway, bus, waiting time) and use that time to develop your language skills - while solving one of over 100,000 unique puzzles!
This app can be used by an English speaker lea Read More