Family, Role Playing
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To run Zombie toonPocalypse version 1.0, your mobile device must have at least 18.57 MB of free space. You can download this app using cellular network. This Game stored under Family, Role Playing. Zombie toonPocalypse game for iPhone is available on App Store. Download it for just $0.99
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Application Name
Good! This application name contains 20 characters. Application name can be easily remembered and had no pronunciation issues. -
Application Description
Application well described and contains 836 characters. -
This app costs less than 80% of all iPhone and iPad Game Apps in App Store. Zombie toonPocalypse app is on sale. -
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This app has only votes. Reviews are very important, because they are encourage users to download app. -
We didn't find enough iPhone and iPad screenshots. -
Application age
Application was first released . New version of this application was released .
iTunes App Description Top
A Zombie TOON 'Pocalypse is spread across the world.
Zombie TOON 'Pocalypse is a geo-location aware game, played with friends. You can either spread the infection or try to survive it.
As a human trying to survive you are presented zombies as targets, once infected your transition to the toon dead becomes interesting, until you are able to spre Read More
Zombie TOON 'Pocalypse is a geo-location aware game, played with friends. You can either spread the infection or try to survive it.
As a human trying to survive you are presented zombies as targets, once infected your transition to the toon dead becomes interesting, until you are able to spre Read More